Link Wheel vs Link Farming

Started by sumer32, February 16, 2012, 10:58:12 PM


Hello, everyone!

I am an SEO learner. I have been searching for a while but the difference between a Link Wheel and a Link Farm. Which is a little unclear to me.

1. Both are made by the webmaster himself. So, why is one White Hat and the later Black Hat?

2. When google discovers link farm it will devalue your links is the case same for Link Wheel?

3. Both are made on Web 2.0. Which one gets you better rankings?

Can you help me?


Nice Question..

Well friend Link Wheel is a method of creating and interlinking around 12 to 15 new blogs, article submission sites, press release and social bookmarking, with your target website on a particular topic as part of a larger and systematic link strategy. On each of those sites, you post keyword rich unique content of around 200 words pertaining to your topic and link to your targeted site on one end, and to one of your other blogs /microsites on the other.

On the other Hand Link Farming sites are such sites which contain maximum number of sites in it, which includes sites of all types, that's why google doesn't give value to those sites and it may reduce the link popularity of your site too if you are getting links from such sites.

M. Rebecca

1. Link wheel is a circular chain of related, unique content which constitutes a good strategy while link farm is a form of spamming the index of a search engine. Since link farming is done with the sole intention of manipulation, it comes under black hat. And for that matter, when you are doing link wheeling only for the sake of crazy linking, it ceases to be ineffective.

2. I think I have answered that above.

3. Link wheel provided you are linking quality content.
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I dont recommend both thing as they are just a way to make fool search engine and they became aware on such type of stupid technique to gain links ;)


Link wheel is a rounded string of relevant, original content which is really a good technique while link town is a way of new spamming the catalog of a search results. Since link gardening is done with the single objective of treatment, it comes under dark-colored hat. And for that matter, when you are doing link wheeling only for the benefit of mad backlinks, it too prevents to be effective.


As the name suggests that link farm is avoidable farming of link on web page which from point of view of Google is measured spamming so to stop that Google introduced a method Google Panda and in that sites were penalized for few months.


IF websites and content used for Link wheel are quality and unique, it would give you positive result where establishing relationship with link farms would always turn into negative result because those sites are considered as spammy websites by linking each other permanently where in Link wheel. we create linking in good way.


A link wheel basically is a process in which you build a dozen or so new blogs/web pages using web 2.0 properties such as squidoo, blogger, hubpages and etc, all on the same topic as your main blog or website where as Link farm is the process of any group of sites that all hyper link to every other sites in the group.


According to me, link circle is one type of link wheel and link wheel is the technique of linking sites with each other, but without link back. Websites form a Wheel, like A to B, B to C and C to A forming the wheel. And by the way thanks for sharing about Link Farming.


On the other Hand Link Farming sites are such sites which contain maximum number of sites in it, which includes sites of all types, that's why google doesn't give value to those sites and it may reduce the link popularity of your site too if you are getting links from such sites.


According to me Link Wheel method is better than Link Farming because i have experienced to use this method. It is Google friendly method and you will get huge traffic on your site through Link Wheel.


Boss today saw your post i think nice and useful information's you sharing with all member's thanks..

Sandeep Thakur

In Link wheel we can join number of website/blog/article/post, each other by hyperlink, It is a technique to divert visitor one blog to another associated blog or article.

Alex Thompson

As the name suggests that link farm is avoidable farming of link on web page which from point of view of Google is measured spamming so to stop that Google introduced a method Google Panda and in that sites were penalized for few months.

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