New methods of link building

Started by biber, November 15, 2012, 01:52:42 AM


How many method used for link building and anyone found new method?


No, there is no new update, I guess still the old methods rocks!!  :)


All methods are same nothing new in SEO right now.


You can start link building from the relevant sites,only this can be new one otherwise all the tactics that we follow in past are same.....:P


I don't think there are any new methods, the quality is what matters, build links the old way but make sure your link building is top notch.


Link Building techniques may includes Forum Posting, Blog Commenting, Social Bookmarking, Article and Directory Submission, Web 2.0, RSS Feed Submission and lots more. This becomes helpful in driving high traffic, increasing the visibility and credibility of your site, gaining the exposure of your site and also helps indexing your site in the search engine. Hope this all techniques becomes helpful to you.


I Think still Directory Submission, Social Bookmarking, Classified ads, Article Submission, Press Release, Blog Posting and Forum Posting is very effective activities.


The New method of Link building are which are used to get the Traffic like Group discussion,Forum posting,Directory submission,Blog posting etc.


There are many methods for Link Building like -

1) You can get free links by submitting your site to directories.
2) You can contact the sites similar to your sites by an email suggesting them advantage of a link exchange.
3) You can create articles containing a link for your site and post them to the top article sites.
4) Blog posting.
5) Use Social Media Marketing for creating for profiles on popular social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.
6) DO social bookmarking for your site.


Effective and authentic ways of link building are:
Forum Posting
Directory Submissions
Link wheel


Nothing new have arrived, the methods are same that we are using from ages. Only the changes have come in the links that obtain, previously we were free to link building with any and every site but now a days it has to be thematic; i.e. is the link should be your sites theme based. In short the link building process have become rigid, you have think numerous times before building up link with a site.


For me Link baiting, RSS feed submission and Web 2.0 submission are new techniques for link building. Before this time I have been doing social book marking, directory submission, article submission, classified, forum posting and blog commenting for my client's website and still doing it along with new techniques


i don't know any new methods.i fallow old methods..if you have a fresh content with quality backlinks it leads a major role in seo.


You can start link building from the relevant sites,only this can be new one otherwise all the tactics that we follow in past are same....

Alex Thompson

Perform solid keyword research before you write your page and basic SEO as you upload it so you're relatively sure your post can compete for the phrase you are targeting.


There are lots of methods available for the link building like article marketing, social book marking, Link wheel, Guest blogging, Video promotion etc.

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