What is hub page ?

Started by balert, December 17, 2011, 01:40:16 AM


Hello every body

Can anyone tell me what is hub page?
Also tell me how to create it.
Anticipate your feedback.


Hub page is one social media site where you can create your own page and share or promote your website at there.you should follow this link to create hub page hubpages.com


In more simple words you can say that Hub Pages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, , opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors.
The game is over.

M. Rebecca

Hub page is a social media website and Hub is the page that you create with capability to add pictures, videos, maps, polls, quizzes, links and more...
I found this very interesting video about hubpages, hope you enjoy it:)

There are four simple steps of creating a hubpage,
-Start: You'll need to create an account (it only takes a minute or two), and click the start a new Hub link in the top right of the header.
-Define: Pick a title for your Hub, categorize it, choose a starting layout from among the options, and add a few tags that describe it.
-Create: Insert the content Capsules of your choice (text, photo, video, map, comments, etc.) and fill them with whatever you like.

Here's all your answers to hubpages
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this is somthing new to me, thanks for sharing all
[B]Interior design [/B]


In more simple words you can say that Hub Pages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, , opinions and insights with hundreds of other authors.

Alex Thompson

Hubpages is a web 2.0 site, where you can post quality content. It is free and you can use this for your marketing/link building strategy.

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