What is Link Bait?

Started by blackmagicislam, June 20, 2018, 05:12:37 AM



Content designed to attract attention and encourage those viewing it to create hyperlinks to the site, with the aim of improving the site's position on the list of results returned by a search engine.


Link bating means your website should contains high quality and genuine content if you add this peoples will give you backlinks to your website.


Linkbait is content that people link to from their own websites because of the content's high quality. The idea is that promoting your content will take less work if it sells itself. Examples of linkbait include:

Breaking news
Definitive guides
Evergreen content


Link Bait is providing valuable content on your website so that other websites will naturally reference/link to it without you ever having to ask. Linkable content can be anything from an in depth research project, to an evergreen guide, to a popular video.
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Link bait is content on your website that other sites link to because they want to, not because you ask them to.

Whether it's an evergreen blog post, a helpful eBook, or a viral video, the linkable asset comes in many forms. Let's take a look at the types and a few examples of link bait and discuss how proactive content marketing can help your website garner more links. Shall we?


Linkbaiting is the practice of crafting content that is designed to get other content producers to link to it. The purpose is increasing the number of inboundlinks to your content and thus improving its performance in search engine results.


Link Bait is providing valuable content on your website so that other websites will naturally reference/link to it without you ever having to ask. Linkable content can be anything from an in depth research project, to an evergreen guide, to a popular video.


Linkbaiting is the practice of crafting content that is designed to get other content producers to link to it. The purpose is increasing the number of inbound links to your content and thus improving its performance in search engine results.
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Quote from: blackmagicislam on June 20, 2018, 05:12:37 AM
What is Link Bait?
Link Bait is providing valuable content on your website so that other websites will naturally reference/link to it without you ever having to ask


Link Baiting is the concept of reciprocating a back-link

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 Link bait is content on your website designed to get other content producers to link to it. The purpose is increasing the number of inbound links to your content and thus improving its performance in search engine results.


Link baiting is the practice of establishing such content that other websites want to link back.

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