how to fix URL errors..?

Started by ruhikhan, May 25, 2019, 06:39:08 AM


1.Mark all crawl errors as fixed.
2.Go back to your report once a week.
3.Fix 404 errors by redirecting false URLs or changing your internal links and sitemap entries.
4.Try to avoid server errors and ask your developer and server host for help.
5.Deal with the other types of errors and use Google's resources for help.


First and foremost, Google recommends using their Fetch as Google tool to view how Googlebot crawls your page. Fetch as Google lives right in Search Console. If you're only looking for the DNS connection status and are trying to act quickly, you can fetch without rendering. The slower process of Fetch and Render is useful, however, to get a side-by-side comparison of how Google sees your site compared to a user.

Check with your DNS provider. If Google can't fetch and render your page properly, you'll want to take further action. Check with your DNS provider to see where the issue is. There could be issues on the DNS provider's end, or it could be worse.

Ensure your server displays a 404 or 500 error code. Instead of having a failed connection, your server should display a 404 (not found) code or a 500 (server error) code. These codes are more accurate than having a DNS error.


in the first instance, enter the URL you are using in the browser. You may see a web page asking you for another action; if this is case, you are using a URL that the browser considers to be short on specific detail. Select one of the choices offered to proceed, or send the website a message if you are concerned.