Does Google give more importance to Big Brands?

Started by kenlee3, February 03, 2012, 09:13:25 AM


I have been reading various SEO blogs and news sites and they are talking about the big brands getting higher rankings in search results.
Is this true?
Does Google favours Big Brands?
Is this the end of SEO? Any ideas about it?


They probably naturally get more backlinks as more people will be writing about them if they are notorious.
Also they probably can afford to pay alot for PPC advertising etc which will increase their traffic.
Little bods like me have to do it all myself :-(


That's not true. It depends on your SEO success. If you want your attention, just put some quality on your SEO tools and your website. This make your website traffic high. As a result Google will recognize you. Just for an example, Think about Facebook. :)


It is not compulsory because Google just wants unique content and secondly Google wants quality in your work. Seo do not give importance to Big Brands as it believes in hard work.

M. Rebecca

I chanced upon this video from Googler Matt Cutts (and I seem to pretty much agree)!

"We try to return whatever we think are best results for users, we try to return HQ results. We think a lot about trust, reputation, authority, what you are doing shouldn't change....For example if you type eclipse, if google would have really focused on brands, we would have returned results like Mitsubishi Eclipse at No.1 or something like that...and if you actually go to google and type eclipse, we have, NASA eclipse website and some commercial results. So it's not that we always try to return brands..."
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This discussion was started by Wheel insisting that this is fair, and that if you want on google News you should just become one of those big brands, then it's kind of the point of this discussion.Most of the things you guys have just listed above are a great way to become what I'd call a Medium is favoring big brands. Not Medium brands.


Google just wants unique and original work. Secondly Google likes manual work . If Google is satisfied surely you will get the good results. It is not about medium or big brands.


Google Does not do such kind of work. then gives the importance to Authority websites. No to any brand. And There is Not End of SEO. Lots of things are changing in SEO, but its not end of SEO.


I don't think google give more importance to big brands. It is just giving more importance to the quality content of your site and how many visitor visit your site.


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