Google Panda(Google,s new update).

Started by kingage21, June 01, 2011, 06:36:18 AM


Hi Everyone,
I wanna share a new thing about Google,s new update that is called "Google Panda".Google have changed in his algorithm with the help of his new Google Panda update.According to Google Panda, Now Google will penalize those website which are using duplicate content and share their duplicate content anywhere on the Internet.Because of this new update the Many former websites be below in Ranking.Some of the websites has gone from the search results of the Google.So be safe of the new "Google Panda" update.



hello kingage21
     thanks for providing information on google panda.plz can tell me how to save our site from penalize by google rather than duplicate content because my site have good content


Google panda is a new algorithm which developed by Google for fight against the low quality content and duplicate content.Google panda delete all those website's low quality content and duplicate content.

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