How to restrict Google to show my website pages in country specific search engin

Started by Digvijay Singh, December 13, 2012, 08:10:00 AM

Digvijay Singh

Google has different search engine for different country. Just example for India and for Australia.  Suppose Google has completely indexed my website. I want, my website will not be ranked in for any keywords, but it will be ranked in Is it possible for not?



Yes, you should have understanding of using robot.txt file for this question.

Black Ninja

Quote from: apablates on December 28, 2012, 03:27:06 PM
Yes, you should have understanding of using robot.txt file for this question.

But dear, we can restrict search engine, not country via robots.txt file.


Yes, you have to make use of Robot.txt file this is the option to stop search engines to index your content.

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