Is there anyone who can tell more about Google Algorithm?

Started by anandiphone, October 04, 2011, 08:43:05 AM


Hi Friends,

I would like to know more about Google Algorithm, kindly let me know some information on this.


Google wants high quality and relevant links and your site will be on top.


The main purpose of Google Search Algorithm is to hunt for text in Web pages, as opposed to other data, such as with Google Image Search. Google Search provides at least 22 special features beyond the original word-search capability.

M. Rebecca

Which google algorithm are you talking about?
Google has a lot of algorithms running at its backend based on ranking, content, links and many more and it keeps on updating its algorithms to match the current requirements and to save the web from spammers and black hats.
Example being the quite recent "panda update algorithm" which was Google campaign against "stale and low quality content" and affected many article websites like "Ezine" which were filled up with irrelevant copied content.
For more information refer to Google webmasters
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If you want to know more about Google Algorithm then you must take the help of Google.From their you will get the detailed information of Google Algorithm.Information like how this algorithm works,flow of the algorithms etc. available on Google

Nichole Green

Google updates its algorithm at regular interval, as now a days Google is using Google Panda algorithm according to which the sites who are using fresh content are king and if any body uses the duplicate or copied content without notifying then that site will be penalized by Google...


Quote from: bedrik on October 04, 2011, 11:45:52 AM
Google wants high quality and relevant links and your site will be on top.
Its the best way to say it
I agree 100% with you


Its a improvement to google's search algorithm which helps google to fight content robbers and spammers. Remember google caffeine? This update is similar to caffeine update but it might not impact to most of users same like caffeine did

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