Title element in hyperlinks

Started by balert, December 16, 2011, 04:27:25 AM


Do you use them?
What sort of weight do they carry with regards to overall content, site structure and SEO?
Thanks in advance for any help.

M. Rebecca

Title elements provide the information about the link when you hover your mouse over hyperlink.

I do use title element for my users only, but they don't carry any extra weight.

Here's explaining why!
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Title elements provide the information about the link when you hover your mouse over hyperlink.

I do use title element for my users only, but they don't carry any extra weight.

Black Ninja

We just use title element in hyperlinks for user only. yes, They don't carry any extra weight.


While creating hyper link, make sure that your link is working properly, also, use multiple keywords for be natural linking.

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