what is alexa ranking and how its calculated

Started by melbournedeluxecabs, August 24, 2013, 03:45:20 AM


hlo friends what what is alexa ranking and how its calculated.


alexa ranking is a numerical value it tells how many visitors visited your site.it's calculated based on the visitors of your site.:)


Alexa ranking is helpful to get known about the website ranking as compared to other website. It gives better information about the visitor to the website.

Saurabh Saxena

There are lots of posts about this on the net, just Google it.

Poster Hook

Alexa traffic ranking is calculated, is simple. It is based on the amount of traffic recorded from users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of three months. This traffic is based on such parameters as reach and page views.


Alexa Rank is the standing system that appraises the traffic and web demand for a website. These types of ratings are supplied by alexa. com. The ranking is based on the traffic perspective, and it offers both global and local rank to be able to you can simply find fame of your site in your location.
It's the best useful tool for the users who have takes search engine optimisation to concern as it shows how your site is heading on. Alexa traffic rates are constantly updated, and you may see your ranking change on a daily most basic.
It's results are based on the visitors of your website.


Alexa measures the traffic on your website and provide a numerical value to rank your domain in search engines. Alexa rank can be improved by good content update and also by building backlinks from other relevant sources.
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Basically Alexa rank is calculated on basic on no of view on website. And Alexa rank increases if site is visited on browser which have Alexa rank installed.


Include Alexa ranking box at a noticeable place on the most trafficked page of your website. You can choose to place it on extreme top or bottom. You can also include other traffic indicators such as info links and the traffic history graph. Now a catch here is that Alexa's history does not comprise of sites that are below its top 100000 and hence your site will not be anywhere on it if it is yet not liable to be listed here. In this condition, traffic history graph is not advisable to be placed on your site.

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