What is google Autocomplete..?

Started by sonalmathur1, October 12, 2017, 02:50:50 AM


Hello friends,

I would know that What is google Autocomplete..?


I am feeling happy while writing the answer of this question.

When ever any user write any keyword or any word or group of word in the Google search engine then he get list of similar or related keyword or word in form of drop down menu as suggestion.This is called as Google Autocomplete.

Google AutoComplete help user to search the right keyword or words.


"Autocomplete" is a feature in which an application predicts the rest of a word a user is typing. Google Suggest or Autocomplete is a Google search engine function which provides suggestions to users to complete the search query while they are entering words in the search box.


When you start a search on Google, you can find the information you're looking for faster using search predictions. Search predictions are possible search terms you can use that are related to the terms you're typing and what other people are searching for.


Googe Autocomplete or Google Instant is the Google algorithms. Its estimated that approximately 5 seconds of user time could be saved with this algorithm.

If you search for a term in Google search box it shows you the combinations of that particular word which may be searched by most of them or which may be popular. By this a lot of people save their precious time.


Google Suggest is the name of Google's auto-complete function. If a user enters a letter or a word in Google's search field, they are automatically shown associated terms in a dropdown menu. These suggestions are generated based on the most frequently searched terms.
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When you search for something on google, high-performing search terms or phrases will be shown these are called suggestion keywords. From 2011, this function was renamed Google
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Google autocomplete is very helpful to know what are the other topics related to your niche most people are interested in. You'll have an idea of what is the growing mass desire in a specific topic.


Google's Autocomplete service (example shown above) is a technical term used for the search suggestions you see when searching Google. This service is intended to speed up your search interaction by trying to predict what you are searching for when using Google.


Google Suggest or Autocomplete is a Google search engine function which provides suggestions to users to complete the search query while they are entering words in the search box.

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