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Search Engines and Marketing => Google => Topic started by: swatijain22 on August 10, 2020, 03:48:59 AM

Title: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: swatijain22 on August 10, 2020, 03:48:59 AM
Hello friends,

What Is Google Dork..?
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: SinelogixTechnologies on August 11, 2020, 12:18:44 AM
A Google dork is an employee who unknowingly exposes sensitive corporate information on the Internet. The word dork is slang for a slow-witted or in-ept person.

Google dorks put corporate information at risk because they unwittingly create back doors that allow an attacker to enter a network without permission and/or gain access to unauthorized information. To locate sensitive information, attackers use advanced search strings called Google dork queries.

Google dork queries are built with the advanced search operators that IT administrators, researchers and other professionals use in their daily work to narrow down search engine results.

Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: PrimeItSolution on August 11, 2020, 07:46:40 AM
Google hacking, also named Google Dorking, is a computer hacking technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use.

Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: bergercpafirst on July 17, 2021, 02:17:40 AM
Google Dorking is a search technique that enables hackers to gain access to information that corporations and individuals did not intend to make publicly available. Using this technique, hackers are able to identify vulnerable systems and can recover usernames, passwords, email addresses, and even credit card details.
Title: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: Melissahill on July 21, 2021, 12:27:46 AM
Google Dorking is a technique used by hackers to find the information which is exposed accidentally to the internet.
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: liza on August 20, 2021, 07:00:59 AM
It is basically a search string that uses advanced search query to find information that are not easily available on the websites. It is also regarded as illegal google hacking activity which hackers often uses for purposes such as cyber terrorism and cyber theft.
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: Nehaswami12 on September 13, 2021, 02:33:46 AM
Google dorking, also known as Google hacking, can return information that is difficult to locate through simple search queries.
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: vikassharma7202 on September 27, 2021, 04:12:25 AM
The idea of using Google as a hacking tool or platform certainly isn't a novel idea, and hackers have been leveraging this incredibly popular search engine for years. In fact, Google Dorks have their roots in 2002 when a man by the name of Johnny Long started using custom queries to search for elements of certain websites that he could leverage in an attack.
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: justin541 on November 29, 2021, 08:57:22 AM
It is basically a search string that uses advanced search query to find information that are not easily available on the websites.
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: Johnmagic on December 03, 2021, 02:46:27 AM
Google Dorking is another term used for google hacking, here hackers use google search tools to find hidden data which are valuable and hard to find, but it's illegal
Title: Re: What Is Google Dork..?
Post by: muslimastrologer on March 01, 2022, 04:03:58 AM
a search string that uses advanced search operators to find information that is not readily available on a website.