what is google penguin penalty..?

Started by vashilove, July 15, 2019, 02:59:48 AM


Hello friends,

what is google penguin penalty..?


Google Penguin is a codename for a Google algorithm update that was first announced on .... In January 2015, Google's John Mueller said that a Penguin penalty can be removed by simply building good links.


Hi friends,
Basically Google try to penalize websites that had manipulated their rankings by using back link tactics. Those websites that manipulated Google took a big dive in their rankings and traffic. Here are some of the ways to get hit by Google:

  • Efforts to get links from discussion forums, blogs or directories which were seen as being excessively used to build links.

  • Article marketing tactics in which a large number of blog posts were used to link to the same page.

  • Adding an excessive number of links on one particular platform (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

  • Creating numerous pages on the site whose only purpose seems to be the creation of internal links.

  • An increase of links coming from bad domains.

  • In a guest post or article, placing an excessive amount of links to the same page on your domain.

  • Excessive number of do-follow links when compared to no-follow ones. According to Google, this could indicate link buying, as natural link building will have a higher percentage of no-follow links.

  • Placing links and anchor text in content in a way that looks clearly "made for SEO," as opposed to helping a human reader navigate and get more information.

  • Blog posts or articles on the site that are stuffed with an excessive amount of keywords.

  • Deliberately stuffing keywords in anchor text.


Google launched the Penguin Update in April 2012 to better catch sites deemed to be spamming its search results, in particular those doing so by buying links or obtaining them through link networks designed primarily to boost Google rankings.

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