What is Google’s Rich Answer Box?

Started by steveATmadden, March 19, 2019, 12:01:55 AM



Google's rich answer box is a relatively new feature that provides searchers with direct answers to their questions at the top of the search page. When a searcher types a question into the Google search bar, Google scans through its search results to find the closest answer to the question.


A rich answer is any attempt by Google to answer the searcher's query in search results in a way not requiring a click through to a website.


Google's rich answer box is a relatively new feature that provides searchers with direct answers to their questions at the top of the search page.


Google's rich answer box is a relatively new feature that provides searchers with direct answers to their questions at the top of the search page. When a searcher types a question into the Google search bar, Google scans through its search results to find the closest answer to the question.
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A "rich answer" is any attempt by Google to answer the searcher's query in search results in a way not requiring a click through to a website.
Rich answers come in many forms. They can be recipes, sports scores, stock graphs, calculators, sliders, text-based answers, numbered step-by-step directions, maps, and much more.


A rich answer is an attempt by Google to answer the searchers question in search ends up in a way not requiring a click through to a web site. Google's rich answer box may be a comparatively new feature that gives searchers with direct answers to their queries at the highest of the search page.
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