What is the fred Update?

Started by Tracey Wood, April 03, 2017, 01:17:35 AM

Tracey Wood

Hello Friends,

What is the Google fred Update and what's the impact on SEO.


"Fred" is just a humorous euphemism that Googler Gary Illyes made up on the spot when pressed for a name for an unconfirmed, hypothetical update that a small percentage of (mostly) aggressive Web marketers attributed to March 7, 2017 or thereabouts.
Googlers John Mueller and Gary Illyes did confirm that something probably changed on that date because it was a Tuesday and Google rolls out changes to its live search engine "on average" (according to Illyes) about 3 times a (week)day.


Google Fred update is more on targeting heavy ads and thin content and replace them with updated quality results.


"Fred" is just a humorous euphemism that Googler Gary Illyes made up on the spot when pressed for a name for an unconfirmed, hypothetical update that a small percentage of (mostly) aggressive Web marketers attributed to March 7, 2017 or thereabouts.
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Vinod Kumar

Thanks dear @loveguruindia for this detailed information.
Quote from: loveguruindia on April 07, 2017, 07:22:41 AM
As always Google is not releasing any information on updates. But by not denying it, they are confirming that something big has changed in the past days. And we are not talking about the minor changes that Google is making every day (on average 3 changes per day). So there is no exact details on what Fred does. But a lot of SEO and ranking monitoring services have been seeing huge fluctuations in Google rankings

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