What is the purpose of the URL Builder in Google Analytics?

Started by MoulanaRafi, June 19, 2018, 01:27:47 AM


Google Analytics is a tool that analyzes web data. Using the URL Builder, one can analyze the traffic that goes to a specific URL, which would give information regarding how popular a website is and how much bandwidth they use in a given period of time.


*Using the URL builder is required in order to track Adwords visits
*To generate URL tracking parameters that need to be appended to an organic search result
*To generate a URL with tracking parameters
*To optimize landing page


The Google URL shortener, at goo.gl, is a free, online URL shorten service (also called a redirection service). To use the shortener, copy and paste your long URL into the online form to obtain a much shorter URL that redirects to the source address.Google URL builder is a simple and quick tool that helps you build your campaigns' URL


The URL builder helps you add parameters to URLs you use in custom web-based or email ad campaigns. A custom campaign is any ad campaign not using the AdWords auto-tagging feature.


URL builder in Google Analytics helps the marketers track their website's behavior through campaign tracking links

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