What is Eloqua ?

Started by chinmay.sahoo, September 26, 2017, 07:35:01 AM


Eloqua is strong on email delivery and marketing systems automation. Eloqua has caused many organizations I've worked with some pain. This behemoth tool requires a dedicated full-time person to manage it or a consultant. Marketing resource management (MRM) is a feature that few systems have, but it's very useful to be able to easily update assets (forms, scripts, etc.). When comparing true MRM systems to Eloqua, the tool falls short, but to have that functionality at all is a benefit to most organizations.


Eloqua is a marketing automation platform, now owned by Oracle. This software is used by marketers, primarily B2B marketers, to help automate the lead generation process. Eloqua and it's ilk all have a database which stores prospect and customer information, an emailer which sends email to prospects and customers, and a website monitoring system which tracks prospect and customer activity on websites under control of the marketer.


It's a marketing Automation tool meant to nurture leads. Typically every interaction a prospect, lead has is scored (score is defined by marketer). Web visit, page visit, webinar registration, white paper download, etc.

vishnu priya

Eloqua is a advertising automation platform (MAP), now owned by Oracle. This software is used by marketers, primarily B2B marketers, to help make routine the lead creation process.


Eloqua is a MAP software used by marketers to assist automate the lead generation manner.


Eloqua is a marketing automation platform. This software is used by marketers. It's to assist the lead generation process automate.


Eloqua is a software as a service platform for marketing automation. Eloqua sends marketing advertisements to mobile devices, emails, and search result pages.

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