Moving a website

Started by tomboy, April 23, 2012, 02:45:33 PM


Hi my name is Tom, I am new to website administration,and I was looking for a little help.  :)

I have moved a webpage from a Windows 2000 server (as we are getting ready to decomission that machine) to a Windows 2003 server.

All of the links on the site work correctley except for a couple of links that are used to email a order form to a group of indiviguals in my orginazation.

Before I moved the site this worked fine, now when I use the mail form to link I receive a 404 error. The directory that the file exist in is the correct path.

I beleive the issue has to do with when the files were transfered to the new server. I just built a new web site and copy and pasted the files inro the wwwroot folder, they are missing the permisions to edit them. I can not even access the default htm file with in the website (it is there but when I right click to check the coding it is greyed out. I can view the file with in the wwwroot directory.


some times for security purpose, by default the files in your application directory set to read only permission in which you can't edit the pages. So it may require that you have to change the directory or folder permission to 777 ( read, write and execute) and then download to the new server and see if it works.Even if changing the permission doesn't work, you need to discuss with hosting provider to change the permission to do the job.