Does keyword density effects the ranking of a website

Started by aquariusmediaa, December 24, 2011, 05:39:02 AM


According to u what are the importance of keyword density in the promotion of website. Does keyword density effects the ranking of a website. Share your suggestions on this.


Keyword Density is one of the important factor of the SEO strategy. As per webmasters rules, the keyword density should not be more than 3-5%, otherwise it will be considered as keyword stuffing. Keyword Stuffing is considered as one of the black hat SEO technique. There are more chances of site gets penalized or banned by the search engine who caught performing such technique. So, it is strongly suggested not to use such technique in order to get fast and better results in SERP.

M. Rebecca

I would like to quote a line from Matt Cutts and Google,
"I'd recommend thinking more about words and variants (the "long-tail") and thinking less about keyword density or repeating phrases."

Placing keywords organically (equally distributed among content, title and description)
is what matters the most so why lose sleep over this density thing.
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Yes, just write the content for human beings, not for search engines, they will find out what you want to say. Just consider to provide the useful and meaningful information to your visitors.


Definitely keyword will effect the ranking of your website. Google likes to see keywords in a website but it has also some some rules and regulations. It means that Keyword density must be 2-4% not more than this and in case it it exceeds beyond this then Google will take it as a duplicate content or you can say it will act as a keyword stuffing.


I think, it does affect the rankings of a websites, but as per my knowledge, it shouldn't be above 5 %.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.  :)


yes it does effect, if its less then ranking is low, if its high then search engine sees this as keyword stuffing and this may effect the ranking also, so make it idle, like 3-5 keywords per 100 words.
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Yes I think that keyword density does really matter in comparison you  have low keyword density content

Nile Hadwards

Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage.It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines.

Alex Thompson

Keywords are what searchers type in when they're looking for products, services or answers online. Ultimately, the keywords you choose to target should serve to help relevant searchers navigate to your site. And how you choose to integrate these keywords into your site's content is where keyword density comes into play.


Yes keyword density is affected your website ranking. If you use keyword more than density than Google consider as spammer or stuffing.


If keyword Density Less than 2 or between 1% and 2% than its effect??

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