What is Keyword & Keyword Phrase?

Started by bangalorewebguru, May 11, 2017, 02:32:13 AM


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The main differences are as follows:
Keyword: A keyword is essentially any word or phrase you use when searching with a search engine. In a simple language, any single word related to your business, product/services which can be useful for your business.

Keyword Phrase: Combination of those keywords is called key phrase.


To attract the right visitors to your Web site, you need to use keyword phrases instead of just single keywords. This helps search engines match users to results that are more relevant to them. Just like a keyword is a single word used as a search query, a keyword phrase is two or more words typed as a search query.
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Keywords, key phrases, keyword phrases. You can find these terms in almost every SEO article and often they are used as synonyms. ... So a keyword phrase means a set of separate words that build a phrase (so it's a multi-word search term).


Keyword: A keyword is essentially any word or phrase you use when searching with a search engine. In a simple language, any single word related to your business, product/services which can be useful for your business.

Keyword Phrase: Combination of those keywords is called key phrase.

vishnu priya

A Keyword is a word or a phrase that represents the entire content of a web page

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