What is keyword Prominence?

Started by ella.boswell, February 15, 2012, 02:11:33 AM


Keyword prominence is placing your keywords close to the beginning of sentences and paragraphs. As with adding your keywords often but retaining the readability of your content, basically placing your keywords at the beginning of your content won't work. Your keyword prominence must slot in your content making sense to the reader and basically flow with the remainder of the containing content.


Keyword prominence is the very effective thing in the on page optimization. It refers how close a keyword is to be starting of the analyzed page area. It very helpful for the higher rankings and increase crawl rate.  E.g. we have placed keyword at the starting with title, description and heading tag.


Keyword Prominence is a very important term in seo.It refers to how relevant your keywords are within your web page.Keyword should be relevant to the title tag,meta description,head tag and most importantly it must be relevant to the keyword in the URL of the web page.


Keyword prominence refers to how prominent keywords are within a web page. And Prominent placement may be in the page header, meta tags, opening paragraph, or start of a sentence.
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According to me Keyword prominence is placement of a given keyword in the HTML source code of a web page. The higher up in the page a particular word is, the more prominent it is and thus the more weight that word is assigned by the search engine when that word matches a keyword search done by a search engine user.

Black Ninja

keyword Prominence refer, how your prominent keywords are presented with in a page? Your prominent keywords should be start of the page.


it means how near is your keyword in the content. make sure its in the start for the better result.
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Keyword prominence refers how to main keywords or phrases within a web page are related to each other. The general suggestion is to place main, important keywords in page title, header, in paragraph.  I suggest to starting off your title with prominent keyword rather than welcome to. Keywords you specify in your Meta keywords, description, heading tags of the body and in paragraph must relate each other in meaningful way. You should not focus on including keywords because you are targeting instead focus on creating content which is most relevant to service you provide. 


Prominence is how close to the start of the area that the keyword appears. If a keyword appears at the beginning of an area, its prominence will be 100%. If a keyword appears in the middle of an area, its prominence will be 50%.
So use your important keywords in the top of the web page when optimizing for search engines.
(I know, harsh forum rules. But can't have forum associated with file sharing.)

Alex Thompson

Keyword Prominence: In search engine optimization (SEO), this refers to the prominent placement of keywords or phrases within a Web page. Prominent placement may be in the page header, meta tags, opening paragraph, or start of a sentence.

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