What is Meta Description?

Started by swatijain22, December 03, 2016, 12:25:38 AM


Meta description is a small information about your website which will shown in the search engine result page behind the title of your website.
Which is added in the Meta Data content in the backend.
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A meta description is an HTML and XHTML element that describes your page to search engines. While the perceived (and real) importance of meta data has depreciated, the attribute still plays a significant role in SEO rankings.
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Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise explanations of the contents of web pages. Meta descriptions are commonly used on search engine result pages (SERPs) to display preview snippets for a given page.
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Meta Description are also called HTML attributes which should provide an accurate description of any web page content. These descriptions act as preview snippets of the web pages over the SERP page.


The meta description describes the summary of the website and it also promote click through rate in search results pages.


The description tag is named Meta Description.
Is a very important meta tag in the process of website optimization.
Is an HTML attribute
Descriptive tags play an important role in gaining user clicks in search results (SERPs).
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Meta Descriptions is a 160 character snippet, a tag in HTML, that summarise the page' content. Optimizing of Meta description is very important aspect of On-page SEO. The function of Meta Description for your page is very simple, its main purpose is to get the visitor from Google to click your link.


Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that provide concise summaries of webpages. They commonly appear underneath the blue clickable links in a search engine results page (SERP).
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A short information or data about your web page or website. Which helps to you to know about site content on SERP.


It is the short description of the website.


The meta description is a short piece of text that summarizes the content of your page. It is displayed on the search engine results page (SERP) right below the headline (title tag).


Meta description is the brief description of your website which is displayed on SERP.

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