How will you manage the Google Quality Score?

Started by Shreecaterers, January 27, 2021, 01:48:51 AM


 How will you manage the Google Quality Score?
The Caterers or Wedding Planners in Bangalore is a highly professional and extremely dedicated event catering company.


The First Step is Knowing the Factors.
Improve Your Score by Targeting Your Ad Groups.
Research Keywords.
Write AdWords Ads That Are High Quality.
Work on Your Landing Page.
Make Your Ad Groups Small.
Try Using Negative Keywords.
Expand Your Text Ads.


Make your ads more relevant to keywords & improve your clickthrough rate.


The satisfactory score is Google's rating of the general user enjoy that your advertisements and landing pages offer whilst customers search for your key-word(s). this is represented on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the bottom and 10 being the highest. you can take a look at your best score with the aid of looking at your key phrases record.

A great pleasant rating need to be taken into consideration from eight to ten but of direction, you can not discover it for each key-word because high-quality score can also range from low commercial rationale to excessive business rationale key phrases. 7 is a good exceptional rating for low intent key phrases however for competitor keywords you should constantly purpose for extra than three.

Electrum IT Solutions

Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of both your keywords and Pay Per Click ads.

It is used to determine you're (Cost Per Click) and multiplied by your maximum bid to determine your ad rank in the ad auction process.


1. Keyword Relevance

Relevancy of the keywords to the query

2. Ad Text Relevance

Relevancy of the remaining text in the ad to the query.
Historical CTR

Historical CTR is calculated as the percentage of clicks to impressions.
The higher the percentage, the higher the score.
Landing Page Quality

1. Site Load Time

The time taken by the landing page to load up on a click plays an important role in deciding the ad quality score.

2. Navigation

Inside the landing page, the easiness or difficulty with regard to navigating the website also plays a crucial role.

3. Transparency

By transparency, we mean the different policies like cookie policy and privacy policy that clearly mention the necessary details.


The higher your score, the higher your ratings, and the lower your cost.
The First Step is Knowing the Factors. ...
Improve Your Score by Targeting Your Ad Groups. ...
Research Keywords. ...
Write AdWords Ads That Are High Quality. ...
Work on Your Landing Page. ...
Make Your Ad Groups Small. ...
Try Using Negative Keywords. ...
Expand Your Text Ads.

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