How many type of URL structure..?

Started by swatijain22, August 26, 2017, 04:56:15 AM


The URLs described below are four different types of starting point URLs
Static URL: An URL that connects to a destination without calling a script.
Dynamic URL: An URL that processes a script to connect to a destination.
Directory URL: An URL without a filename that points to a directory's default file.
Formula URL: A required structure that adheres to a specific format and must be used to connect to a destination.


Avoid Parameters
Use hyphens instead of underscores
Don't use any capitals in the URL
Keywords in URLs
Block bad URLs with robot.txt
Prefer Static URLs over Dynamic URLs
Add Canonical tags to Paginated URL.


Dictionary meaning of word absolute is : not dependent on any thing ie independent having its own existence, same is the meaning of absolute urls.
An Absolute URL is, thus, something that is independent or free from any relationship from the rest. When you use an absolute URL, you point directly to the file you give exact location of the file.


The URLs described below are four different types of starting point URLs
Static URL: An URL that connects to a destination without calling a script.
Dynamic URL: An URL that processes a script to connect to a destination.
Directory URL: An URL without a filename that points to a directory's default file.
Formula URL: A required structure that adheres to a specific format and must be used to connect to a destination.


Type of URL Structures:
1. Static URL
2. Dynamic URL
3. Directory URL
4. Formula URL


Types of URL-

Absolute URL
Relative URLs


A static site is one that is usually written in plain HTML and what is in the code of the page is what is displayed to the user. A dynamic site is one that is written using a server-side scripting language such as PHP, ASP, JSP, or Coldfusion.
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They are four different types of url :
Static URL
Dynamic UR
Directory URL
Formula URL


http/https: Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
file/ftp: Local files and FTP archives.
info: Emacs "Info" pages.
mailto: Sending email.
news/nntp/snews: Usenet news.
rlogin/telnet/tn3270: Remote host connectivity.
irc: Internet Relay Chat.
data: Embedded data URLs.

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