How To Promote Our Website On Google Search Engine?

Started by sonamsharma, November 28, 2018, 02:02:32 AM


Once you have your site complete and it is up and running. you will want to promote your site.  A wide variety of ways to do this.  First I suggest you sign up for Google Webmaster tools (free) and verify your site (directions are in the webmaster tools) and also consider signing up for Google analytic (also free).  Analytics will help you "see" who is visiting your site and how they are finding it, via searches, direct keying in of the URL or via links, etc.  Also where they are from, how many per day, etc.  Lots of good information.

Also to submit your URL to Google for the search engine:

There are other search engines that also have free submissions (Yahoo, etc.) simply do a Internet search for them and submit your URL.

Once all that is done, promote your site!
Have all your friends/relatives/acquaintances visit the site on a regular basis
Promote your site (I list my Blogs in part of my email signature for every email I send out!)
Link to other similar sites and ask them to reciprocate it will help draw traffic
If you have a site that sells products, etc. advertise your site
I have a business card with my sites and when I meet folks and give them my card, my sites are listed

Do a search on promoting your site online and see what else others have done to increase traffic
Getting your site to be "seen" by Google search takes a while.  Depends on several factors, but in my experience it can take weeks (or months...) and it is all about numbers... more hits to your site the sooner it will move up the scale on the search list.  It took my site about 2-3 weeks to show up on the Google search after submission to the URL listed above and about 500 visits from different people.

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