Is Google and Yahoo SEO Techniques Same?

Started by helpout, January 29, 2012, 07:28:51 AM



I was curious to know that Is google and Yahoo Seo Techniques are the same?

I have heard somewhere that Yahoo like no follow attribute where as google discard them.

Your valuable advice will be highly appreciated.
Thank you.


No, google and yahoo techniques are not same...!


No, to rank in Google and Yahoo, the same technique is not possible as you said Google takes only the do follow back links and where as Yahoo takes no follow backlinks.


No, both have used the different techniques for SEO.

I have mentioned the following Factors which are affecting the Difference between Google and Yahoo techniques.

1) Keyword density is critical for Yahoo
2) On Page SEO factors are given more importance by Yahoo
3) Yahoo does not check Java and iFrame usage as much as Google bots does
4) Internal links count for page rank in Yahoo system

You can get more knowledge about Google and yahoo search engine for that you can go for the following link.

M. Rebecca

No, no two search engines use the same algos.
I read somewhere (and have experienced myself) that things like paid inclusion programs and cheesy reciprocal links work with Yahoo! They do have tall claims but that's just on paper (/ me thinks)...

About Google discarding nofollow, I'd like to clear some curiosity. Almost all search engines crawl nofollow links  but  exclude them from their ranking calculation.
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Yahoo and Google use different algorithms. But they may have some common features. Google algorithm is more advanced and powerful.


I agree with you. It differs on algorithm. Google is always advance. But the SEO tools are same. All you have to do is to pick the right tools for right job. For Google and yahoo technique is always different. So be careful about using the SEO tools.


Thanks for the feedback. That is an excellent suggestion.


not the different search engine have different way to see the website so the SEO techniques are also different, but being the leading search engine if the site rank high on the google then its ranking on other websites are also good .
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They both are different, each search engine has there own rules and policies. But it is also true that if the ranking is high in Google then automatically ranking will also increase in Yahoo.


There is little difference in between these two. Yahoo prefers no follow links and Google prefers do follow links. Most important thing is that most of the traffic comes from Google only and if your page rank is high in Google search engine then automatically it will raise in Yahoo too.

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