Reduce content

Started by vombatjohnson, November 09, 2010, 03:42:17 AM


Probably one of the most difficult things to convince people who are creating web pages is to reduce the amount of content within a page and use other sub pages to display the pertinent information. Most people feel that if the person doesn't see everything including the kitchen sink on the front page, then they won't click through to view the other pages. This couldn't be further from the truth. How many of you have been to Disney Land and wished that a ride had only one room? You go in you get scared, and then you leave. Not likely many. Understand if there is one common denominator in mankind, it is that we love to explore. More pages mean more things to look at. Sub pages can also allow you to create different color schemes to better inform the user where they are. Long story short, reduce the content in the same fashion you write paragraphs of information. One topic per unit.


I have the opposite problem with my website content.  I need to create more content on my website and I have started by posting interesting blog posts.  I don't think you should just post junk because your website doesn't have enough content.


You have mentioned very important information! and pointed to good points..
thanks a lot..


I often cut interesting parts of an article into many posts to make my blog have more pages with content.


One thing that I personally feel I do never go with many reading of content it's always better to represent yourself within minimum words


sometimes to reduce the content is necessary
we have to keep the content proper

Graphic Design

I agree with you that  content must be reduced from the front page and it must be in meaningful and rich.
Reduce content from front page does not means that it will not attract visitors.


I agree with the concept to reduce content.Even i don't like when people put so much information in a single page.

Graphic Design

Too much content in a website does not help it ranking better in search engine. But proper and fresh content to be posted in blogs of a website to attract visitors.........


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