How many Heading tags should appear in the Web Page?

Started by MoulanaRafi, January 11, 2018, 01:12:37 AM


Headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.
<h1> defines the most important heading.
<h6> defines the least important heading.
<h1> headings should be used for main headings, followed by <h2> headings, then the less important <h3>, and so on. .


There is no limitation to using heading tags on the page but there is a limitation to use only one H1 tag per page and recommended 10 H2 tags per page for subheadings.
But, if you have 200 words content on the page and use many heading then your content is considered spammy and will not look natural as though.


Yes, there is no limitation to using heading tags on the page. But, if you have less content then don't use many heading.

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