Tips for Blogging

Started by zaboka, December 29, 2011, 05:41:46 AM


Hello there,
I hope these help you a lot in blogging,

1. Make SEF URL's of your Blog.

2. Use XHTML Validation for your blog.

3. Configure social bookmarkings buttons.

4. Inclide your main keywords in post title and content body.

5. Alwasys come up with unique post and set Search engine Optimized title
Optmize post content.


The tips for blogging are as bellow :

1. Always post unique content, it helps to increase the traffic to the blog.
2. Do the comments on others blogs.
3. Create a title of the blog according to your content.
4. Try to observe the behavior of your visitors and check which kind of content they like most.


 8)Very nice tips thanks for sharing ...


Your content should be unique and original, keyword and title must be relevant to each other. Keyword should be relevant to your site. Try to use good backlinks to increase the traffic of your site.


Great tips..if you want to be a core can make this work out. Thanks for good share.


Thanks for sharing such a post, it will help a lot to us, if we want to increase the page rank of our site.


These are really great blogging tips. Thanks a lot for sharing.


Tips for Blogging -

1.) Stay on topic.
2.) Stay informative.
3.) Old news is not news.
4.) Adhere to a schedule.
5.) Clarity and simplicity.
6.) Keyword-rich.
7.) Quantity matters.
8.) Frequency.
9.) Spell checking and proof-reading.

Nichole Green

Some More tips from my side
1. Be informative
2. Add relevant images
3. Dont give more than 2 external links
4. Format your blog properly
5. Use alt and title tag for images


Apart from following above useful tips, try to leave a feedback for the readers of the blog or article.It will help to gain a better perspective before posting your blog.

Nile Hadwards

Content is the king. I mean to say that,
1. The content are you posting there should be fresh.
2. It should be of 300 words maximum.
3. Use minimum links in side the main content.
4. Blog roll the main plugin should be used there.
5. RSS feed should be used there.


Excellent tips, this is much appreciated.


These guidelines are really beneficial. I really appreciate you for discussing it. Keep discussing excellent facts. This is a very useful details. Your publish is very awesome. It's a very useful ion for us.


In some way, exposing the negative side of a product may actually build people's trust in you as they probably know you are getting some sort of commission.Many networks like are actually blog ranking network sites that makes your blog easier to find and search for as well.


Thanks for sharing tips and i am very glad to have new ideas about blogging.


As blogging is one of the useful means of communication, you need to consider some points very carefully. Don't confuse the readers and divert their attention from your content by presenting useless things and have relevant news and information. Always stay on a schedule of updating the content.

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