Title format- Which one do you like?

Started by Black Ninja, February 28, 2012, 04:25:57 AM

Black Ninja

Title is one of the important part in SEO. We all mention all prominent keywords in title tags. I have seen many title tag format. Some people write title tag with pipe line (|) Such as:

Website designers | Web Designing | Web Services | Web Services Company      --- 71 Character

Some people write title tags with comma (,), Such as:

Website designers, Web Designing, Web Services, Web Services Company            - 68 Character

In above, I have used same keywords in title, In the first format (in pipe line format) there are 71 character, But in the second format (with comma), there are 68 character.

According SEO parameter, I think second title format (with comma) is better than pipe line format. We can mention more character in the title with comma.

What do you think? Which is the right method to write title tag? Please also suggest me new title tips and formats.


I like the title with separator " |" rather than coma. when you have more than three keyword to target on single page, it is no necessary to include all keywords in title. in above, you can combine the keywords web services and web services company into one which is web service company which is already consist the first keyword. Same way two keywords Web Design and web design service can be combines as web design service.

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