What are the aspects in SEO?

Started by lovesoluion, April 12, 2017, 02:25:17 AM


Important aspects of SEO:

--Link Building
--User Experience
--Site Speed


Your Audience & Industry. Your primary industry and its audience should be the number one consideration behind any viable SEO strategy. ...
Keyword Research. ...
User Intent.
Analytics and Reporting. ...
Mobile SEO. ...
Indexing. ...
Technical SEO.


Hi Friends,
1. Technical crawlability
2. Website content publishing
3. Keyword relevance
4. Link backs (referral links)
5. Social Media interactions
6. Content update frequency
7. Website user experience
8. Integration with Google services


The important aspects of SEO are following
a) Unique content
b) Best Backlinks
c) Best loading speed
d) Keywords relevancy


1. Site structure
2. URL structure
3. Site navigation
4. Mobile-friendly design
5. Site speed
6. Titles, headers and meta descriptions
7. Image optimization
8. Structured data
9. Site interface

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