What is Co-citation and Co-occurrence?

Started by blackmagicislam, September 19, 2017, 05:15:39 AM


Hlo Friends,
What is Co-citation and Co-occurrence?


Co-citation is the presence of two different links, A and B, on a website (C), which means that the value of C will pass through to A and B. Co-citation also goes a step further to dictate that link A and B will form an interrelationship and pass some value by association to one another. Co-citation establishes a relationship between the A and B websites that aren't directly linked together, but do appear together on web page C.

Co-occurrence is the term used to describe the frequency and proximity of keywords appearing on a website as well as the relationship between them. Latent Semantic Indexing is fundamentally linked with co-occurrence.


Co-citation and co-occurrence are an alternative to traditional link building for SEO. While definitions vary, co-citation happens when website A links to websites B and C.


Think of it as an ontology, an occurrence. Co-citation refers to the way that the sites are connected to each other. Think of it as a mention, a citation. For example, a high-quality peer-reviewed journal may have dozens of citations due to its authoritative status


Co-occurrence refers to the actual presence of content (similar terms) on different sites. Think of it as an ontology, an occurrence. Co-citation refers to the way that the sites are connected to each other. Think of it as a mention, a citation. ... Those citations are mentions of that journal article.


Co-occurrence is a concept which refers to the common presence, frequency of occurrence, and the close proximity of similar keywords present across several websites
Co-citation refers to the symbiosis that occurs when websites discuss interrelated themes, concepts and mention each other.

Neha Patil

Both are helpful for link building for SEO. While definitions vary, co-citation happens when website A links to websites B and C.


Co-occurrence refers to the actual presence of content (similar terms) on different sites. Co-citation refers to the way that the sites are connected to each other.

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