What is Link Popularity in seo?

Started by bugleaccess, May 13, 2017, 09:07:34 AM


Hello everyone please tell me what is Link Popularity?


Link popularity is a critical factor in deciding which well-optimized pages show near the top of search results. We can help with your link building.


Link popularity is the measure of inbound links to your web site. Your Web site's link popularity is calculated by counting the number of links coming into a particular page, and gauging the quality and relevance of the links. We need it because it is an important factor in determining your site's importance and it's a decisive factor in your web site's ranking in major search engines.


Link popularity is a term that refers to how many other links point towards a particular website. The term links popularity also has two different forms, Internal and External, which refers to the links coming from the websites own web pages and from other websites. Internal link popularity means the number of links to the website from web pages that belong to the particular website.

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