what is pogo sticking effect?

Started by iammanisha, May 03, 2017, 05:40:34 AM


Pogo-sticking is defined as going back and forth from a search engine results page (SERP) to an individual search result destination site. In other words, pogo-sticking is when the searcher clicks on a link on a SERP, sees that it's not what she is looking for, and immediately bounces off by hitting the back button.
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Pogo-sticking is defined as going back and forth from a search engine results page (SERP) to an individual search result destination site. In other words, pogo-sticking is when the searcher clicks on a link on a SERP, sees that it's not what she is looking for, and immediately bounces off by hitting the back button. She then chooses another result from the results page to satisfy her informational need. This event is also closesly measured in Google Analytics under the term "bounce rate."


Pogo Sticking simply means that when a website ranks highly but fails to satisfy the needs of the needs of people using that search term.

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