What is user intent in SEO?

Started by ImpalaWardrobes, May 23, 2019, 05:20:34 AM


Intent refers what the user is looking for in your website.
hey may come to read some information on your blog.
or to buy something on your homepage.


The user intent, or search intent states which goal or intention an internet user has when entering a search term into a search engine. User intent is now a central factor in content and search engine optimization and is eclipsing individual keywords as a dominant ranking factor.


In some cases, the intent is to purchase something. For others, it's to find information or make a connection with a company or an individual. User intent is the goal someone has in mind when typing a query into @Google, says @neilpatel. # SEO Click To Tweet


User/Search Intent. The user intent, or search intent states which goal or intention an internet user has when entering a search term into a search engine. User intent is now a central factor in content and search engine optimization and is eclipsing individual keywords as a dominant ranking factor.


User/Search Intent. The user intent, or search intent states which goal or intention an internet user has when entering a search term into a search engine. User intent is now a central factor in content and search engine optimization and is eclipsing individual keywords as a dominant ranking factor.
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Search Intent (also known as "User Intent") is the main goal a user has when typing a query into a search engine. Common types of Search Intent include informational, commercial, navigational and transactional.

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