Why, my blog is not indexed in Google?

Started by Black Ninja, March 05, 2012, 01:31:02 AM

Black Ninja

 I have created a blog for my Company one month ago on blogspot.com.au. The address of my company blog is http://webdesigntree.blogspot.com.au , but my blog is not indexed in Google till now. I am continuing update fresh and unique content on my blog. But it still not indexed. Can someone help me, How to index this blog in Google. Any help would be appreciated.


Do Social Bookmarking of your blog. It will definitely crawled by Google. Some times, you put an outbound link in a blog. This cause, not to crawl by Google.


you can go to the google webmaster tools and submit your blog sitemap. It will helps to index your blog.

M. Rebecca

While trying to figure out the probable causes, I chanced upon your website and surprisingly it returned 41 indexed pages....Now what I think is...you have just added your newly mined blog to the website. As what other posters have said, create and submit a Sitemap first off. Here are few more indexing tips to go with,
- Use fetch as Google bot tool
- Link your blog and website with dofollow internal links
- Acquire some relevant Inbound Links from authority sites that get crawled frequently
- Submit your RSS feed to search engines
- Ping the search engines
- Submit your blog to trafficable blog directories
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You may use some most effective SEO techniques like social book marking, link building, email marketing etc. that will ultimately help you.

Ien Bell

Quote from: seoservicesezone on March 05, 2012, 01:57:05 AM
you can go to the google webmaster tools and submit your blog sitemap. It will helps to index your blog.

Yup i agree with You seoserviceszone .


Do some link building of your blog URL and submit it in different websites with the use of various link building activities. Submit your blog RSS feed in google webmaster tool.


I think you had to submit your url blog in Google webmaster, after that Google will craw and index your blog

Black Ninja

Quote from: LucieJason on March 05, 2012, 01:50:30 AM
Do Social Bookmarking of your blog. It will definitely crawled by Google. Some times, you put an outbound link in a blog. This cause, not to crawl by Google.

I have done lots of off page activities for my blog like bookmarking, link building and directory, But it is still not indexed.


Just submit your blog in good high pr sites it will surely get indexed like digg,delicious.

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