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Search Engines and Marketing => Sitemaps => Topic started by: Rakib2021 on March 27, 2021, 07:14:45 AM

Title: How To Fix Site Couldn't fetch
Post by: Rakib2021 on March 27, 2021, 07:14:45 AM
I bought 1news.top 1month ago and redirected my blogger blogspot url to the new domain. when submitting sitemap for 1news.top/sitemap.xml then I am getting couldn't fetch status. It is working for blogspot url. I have done all kind of verfications but sitemap still showing status as couldn't fetch. Any help is appreciated. I can't see much about troubleshooting this issue.
Title: Re: How To Fix Site Couldn't fetch
Post by: Webhelpforums on April 01, 2021, 04:14:49 AM
Does the problem still persist? The file appears to be there when I check, so it sounds like an issue between your server and Google then. (Because if Google claims problem fetching the file, it has not even viewed/parsed the XML sitemap file yet.)