What is meant by 'poke' in Facebook?

Started by parker1234, July 19, 2012, 06:19:04 AM


as i remember but not sure about it that poke means hello in Facebook.

Sandeep Thakur

Poke means anyone he poked you want  to say hello or attract your friend's attention.


According to me its very interesting Question ,and It's a way of saying hello to your friends on Facebook. Once you poke someone, they have the option of poking you back or ignoring your poke. I guess it could be fun to poke someone, but I really don't know why.


hi,The poke is a feature of Facebook whose sole purpose is to attract the attention of another user. As pokes attract the attention of a user, they can be used for various different things and thus have different meanings. You can, for instance, poke a friend just as a way of saying "Hello."


The poke is a feature of Facebook whose  purpose is to attract the attention of another user. if you poke someone you are allowing them to look at your facebook-they can look at your whole profile,pictures & message.


Facebook claims that a poke can be used "to say hello" to your friends.


Yeah some of your friend poke you for gaining your attention.Normally they poke your album.


Thanks for sharing the meaning of poke here.


Poke means hello. Who person poked you means he say hello


I think the general purpose of this, at least in the beginning, was to kind of say hi to friends that you haven't added yet, let them know your on facebook and that you should become friends on facebook as well. Nowadays, its used for anything. It's just a little thing fun that Facebook decided to have on their website. It doesn't affect anything else on the site.


To get attention of friends on Facebook called poke.


Poking is done to grasp the attention.


Just like making fun, or to take other attention towards you.


I always like to poke my female friends lol

icecube media

The meaning of poke that to say anybody hi/hello. 


I guess it is just a way to say 'hi' or show that whenever you sign up in facebook, you care for the one you poke. It also means that you never miss spending time on his/her profile, everytime you sign in your facebook account.