What is the use of Google+?

Started by erimaafra, April 05, 2017, 06:26:42 AM



You should use Google + because +1s play a factor in Google's search algorithm.

So when you +1 something and your friend searches for something that has been +1 they are more likely to find it.

Social search. That is why you should use Google +


Google+ (Google Plus) is Google's attempt at social networking. The Google+ service that delivers functionality and many features similar to those of Facebook.
Features in Google+ include "Posts" for posting status updates, "Circles" for sharing information with different groups of people (like Facebook Groups), "Sparks" for offering videos and articles users might like, and "Hangouts" and "Huddles" for video chatting with a friend or group of friends.


Google + is another social page in which you can extent your influence to the target users concerning your related field.


Google plus is a social networking website that helps to promote your website and generate good traffic from them. They help to build your website popularity in search engines.
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The most and important use of G+ is to drive lots of traffic for your website or blog. This is the best and effective method to increase traffic a lot.


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