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Microsys Products and Webmaster Tools => TechSEO360 => Topic started by: peterchang on October 06, 2019, 09:56:46 PM

Title: some paras of command line is not working.
Post by: peterchang on October 06, 2019, 09:56:46 PM
It is peter, a frontend developer.

thx for the great development of microsystools.com, those tools is so helpful to me and my clients.

Now, we are building an automatic tool to check all the pages(different client) in schedule, and save all the analytics result into different folders. However I realize that project-path is not working at all.

open TechSEO360.app --args @override_rootpath=https://navstory.co -exit -scan -build -save ":petertest10.ini"  :petertest10.ini

When I input the command above, it spend around 5s, and a save file window pop up to request me to enter project name.

As I follow the instruction below.

Title: Re: some paras of command line is not working.
Post by: Webhelpforums on October 17, 2019, 08:05:57 AM
I am happy we got everything working over email.

In the process we have now added more command line interface (CLI) parameters:

This means if you want to

it would look like this for Mac

open TechSEO360.app --args -exit -scan -build -save -autocreate ":/users/%name%/myprojecs/shopexample.ini" @override_initfromproject=/users/%name%/myprojecs/mydefaults.ini@ @override_rootpath=https://shop.example.com@

Documentation has been updated:
http://www.microsystools.com/products/technical-seo/help/automate-technical-seo/ (http://www.microsystools.com/products/technical-seo/help/automate-technical-seo/)