What is Page Loading Speed..?

Started by sonamsharma, May 24, 2017, 06:09:39 AM


Hello friends,

I would Like to know that What is Page Loading Speed..?


the term is self explanatory. but for further information you can check GTMETRIX this site helps you better understand the term. it is a SEO parameter that defines how long your website takes to load . the ideal time is less than 2.8 and max 5 Seconds. the more pictures and files (JS, CSS, ... ) you have on your page the higher this loading time and leading to bad SEO. 


Page load time is the time it takes to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window and it is also measured in second.Page load time has been an official ranking factor for a while now: Search engine only want to return web content which is fast and easy to use.


For Any website Page loading speed is one of the important One.Quick load in our website will extract  more visitors towards our website


Page load time is the time it takes to download and display the entire content of a web page in the browser window. The speed at which page loads depends on various factors like hosting server or web page design.


Page load time has been an official ranking factor for a while now: Search engine only want to return web content which is fast and easy to use. Use this page speed test tool to see what slows down your page and how to make it load faster.

Ruhani Ansari

Page loading Speed, the term is self explanatory. It deals with the web pages loading speed, which is often an overlooked parameter. 
Page loading speed can indirectly hit your ranking on search engine result pages. How?

An average user waits for less than 3secs for a web page to load. Poor loading speed of web page will repel the user from spending time on the website, which will eventually bounce rate and affect the page ranking. So it is recommended to monitor and maintain the site loading speed to make your website user and search engine friendly.
In case you need more information kindly visit.


Page loading speed is now considered as one of the ranking metrics in mobile search.


Page Loading Speed is defined as the time it takes to fully display the content on a specific page. The page load speed depends on  hosting server, amount of bandwidth in transit and the number and weight of elements on the page.

Christiana Robert

Page load time is the time of taking to load & show the whole content of a web page in the search engine window.


In general to specify, page loading speed is the determined as how much speed does a web page takes to load.