What is X robots tag?

Started by Appdeveloperdallas, September 05, 2019, 02:25:45 AM


The X-Robots-Tag can be used as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. Any directive that can be used in an robots meta tag can also be specified as an X-Robots-Tag


Hi Friends,
The X-Robots-Tag differs from the robots.txt file and meta robots tag, though, in that the X-Robots-Tag is a part of the HTTP header that controls indexing of a page on the whole, in addition to specific elements on a page.

According to Google:

"Any directive that can be used in a robots meta tag can also be specified as an X-Robots-Tag."


X-Robots-Tag can be used as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. Any instructions that can be used in the robot meta tag can also be specified as X-Robots-Tag


The X-Robots-Tag can be used as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. Any directive that can be used in an robots meta tag can also be specified as an X-Robots-Tag.
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X-Robots-Tag can be used as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. Any instructions that can be used in the robots meta tag can also be specified as X-Robots-Tag. ... X-Robots-Tag:noindex(...)


The X-Robots-Tag can be used as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. Any directive that can be used within a robots meta tag can also be specified as an X-Robots-Tag. ... X-Robots-Tag: noindex (...)


The x-robots tag is a field in the HTTP response header that allows sites to tell search engines and other crawlers whether or not they are not allowed to access the content found on the URL. In this way, it is very similar to the meta robots tag or the robots.txt file. The difference is that this information is found in the HTTP response header instead of the page source or the robots.txt file on the root of the domain.

A typical x-robots tag:

X-Robots-Tag: noindex


The X-Robots-Tag is different from the file robots.txt and robots meta tags, though, in that the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header is part of the control index a page in all, apart from certain elements on the page.


The x-robots tag is a field in the HTTP response header that allows sites to tell search engines and other crawlers whether or not they are not allowed to access.