Best Colour for website designs.

Started by biber, September 05, 2012, 01:22:09 AM


Many colours used for website designing but tell me most best colour for designs.


Choosing the right colors is a very important aspect when creating a website, because the colors and the graphics are the first thing your visitor sees. Meaning, the background color, the color of the header, the color of the text, the headlines – all have a psychological impact on the website's visitor.Choosing color depends upon the type of website...


It depends on client's choice but in my opinion every designer should keep in mind color of combination and try to use light and attractive colors because it is human nature that some people like light colors and some like dark.


Always use like colors that are light and attractive like blue, light red.


According to me color is depend on your website theme so that we can choose best color for that and color choice can make or break a website design. It's important to pick colours for your website design that reflect the nature of your site's content and reinforce the personality of your business.


Color should match the content you are writing.