Can I Turn a Comment Form into a Contact Form?

Started by DomainDude, March 17, 2012, 03:57:45 PM


Hello all,
I am new here,

I am using a pre-made free template for my site and and everything about it is perfect for me except for the comment form.

I dont really need a comment form but I do need a Contact form.

Is it possible to turn the comment form into a contact form and if so how would I do that?

And if it is possible how do I then sync the contact form to my email client?

Here is the page in question.
I have modified the text to read Contact but it is still a comment form.



If you are using some kind of website builder or service which allow you to create basic website, Handling of comments have different table in the database and it is open to everyone which make comments. Where for contact form, you want to see the emails of one who actually make inquiries. So this way it is better to have separate database for contacts rather than using the same comment database as contact.