Converting FLash to Html5 Automatically

Started by lillianabe, October 14, 2011, 02:15:31 AM


as we all know, browser compatibility became very important factor to reduce bounce rate and to give importance of each and every visitors on website with different browser version. For the visitors with browser without flash support, we have to display some alternate option.

Now it became possible with new Google tool swiffy, which generates Html5 of flash. It can be generated without flash player as well so you can use this tool efficiently to display alternate version of flash,


Valuable information, as I have flash website so that I can use this swiffy, would like to know is it free or paid?


Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.


It is the most important to reduce the rate of rebound and give visitors the importance of each site with the browser version. The users in the browser without flash support are not good.


This was made possible by new Google tool swiffy, which produces a flash of HTML5. It can occur without the Flash Player so that you can use this tool effectively shows an alternative version of the flash.


I could not understand the topic of this forum exactly. Can anyone explain please.


Yeah when you are having flash website, it is necessary to cross check certain factors which may restricts the performance of your website in organic search result. With way to display alternate text tools you have mentioned is important to use .


Now it became possible with new Google tool swiffy, which generates Html5 of flash. It can be generated without flash player as well so you can use this tool efficiently to display alternate version of flash.