Help with sticky footers

Started by misbell29, February 14, 2012, 08:39:51 AM


Hi there,

I am relatively new to the world of web design and so apologise for any other n00bish mistakes you may find in the code if you choose to help me.

My issue is this, I have used the sticky footer that is supposed to work with the 960gs, however on my index page, about page and contact page, the footer does not stick. I have trawled through the code and cannot see what is going wrong.

Please could someone check the code? The website is

Any other advice and tips on the code would be very welcome.


You might have set absolute position of Footer instead of relative. Change this and see if it works or not. it is overlapping the other element.  If none work for you, simply add manual HTML code inline to display the same information as footer.