Started by AllenSantiago, February 18, 2012, 07:56:15 AM


HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language is popularly calling as HTML. Like other programming languages, this is not a programming language but known as a markup language which is a set of tags or markup. This tags are used to describe the webpage.

DHTML: Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language is popularly calling as DHTML. This is referred as an Art which incorporates HTML, CSS, JavaScript and DOM. This is not a language and mostly use for making web page attractive and dynamic.


DHTML means Dynamic HTML. We can write scripting souce code in it to perform certain activity on events such as button press, choose list. Other edge HTML is static. one time a page is developed it is not changed until its reload. 


HTML is  a language but DHTML is not a language but it is a technology,It stands for Dynamic HTML and it's using HTML, CSS and Javascript together to create web pages that are not static displays only, but the content is actually dynamic in response to what a visitor does on a page.HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the actual markup language web pages are displayed in.With the help of HTML we can create static pages


According to me dHTML is merely a browser feature that provides your browser (Web page) to be dynamic. dHTML is not Javascript although it relies. Advantages of dHTML Fast and Zippy, Plug-ins, we don't need them, Great Utility. Disadvantages : Costly Editing tools, Long and Complex coding, Browser Support problems.


DHTML is all client side. That means all the dynamic actions occuring on the web page controlled by the Javascript is first loaded onto the client browser so that's where everything happens. If you want new content, requests have to be made to the server which then reloads the web page you are viewing.


HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language and its not a programming language.However, DHTML is Dynamic HTML and its not a web standard or a language but it is art of combining DOM, CSS, JavaScript and HTML. Dynamic HTML is used to describe the technologies used to make webpages more interactive and dynamic in nature and HTML uses markup tags to describe pages. I hope, it would clear your concept about HTML and DHTML.


HTML is a basic and most important language for developing web sites, were DHTML is Dynamic HTML which has some better features then HTML.


Nice post, keep up the good work. Hope to read more such amazing posts. Thanks once again.


  According to me dHTML is merely a browser feature that provides your browser (Web page) to be dynamic. and HTML is a simple programming language used for describing the structure, semantics and appearance of a document.


DHTML is used for dynamics.


HTML sites going slowly upon client-side technologies.
HTML sites are dynamic in nature.

DHTML sites going fast upon client-side technologies.
DHTML sites are dynamic in nature.