Internet Explorer Formatting Issues

Started by bluedot, May 27, 2011, 06:25:18 PM


I was hoping someone could help me out. I just spent the last 5 hours of my life trying to figure out why certain parts of my site are working in Chrome and Firefox, but not explorer. Unfortunately I will not be able to get those hours of my life back, but hopefully you guys can help me out here. I have 3 issues occurring on our site that I can not for the life of me what I am doing wrong. Internet Explorer does not like me.

Problem 1 -

Our support page - - is displaying perfectly fine in both firefox and chrome. Explorer however messes it up very well. Where am I going wrong here?

Problem 2 -

Internet Explorer is not displaying our stores product pages and internal store pages - footers properly. An example can be found here -  --- again working just fine in firefox and chrome. The badges at the bottom are not showing up properly and the Shopping Support and Learning Center are not formatting correctly.

Problem 3 -

I can not seem to get the floating - Condition, Cosmetic Scale, Functionality, and Contract boxes - to line up properly in explorer. I am sure there is a simple fix to this, but how do I automatically adjust to the heights and widths of the boxes without having them overflow? Do I need to use % or pixel based widths here? Is there somehow I can apply Auto Height to fix something? I am lost for answers here.

Any help you guys can provide would be much appreciated.

Thanks so much in advance.


I can not seem to get the floating - Condition, Cosmetic Scale, Functionality, and Contract boxes - to line up properly in explorer. I am sure there is a simple fix to this, but how do I automatically adjust to the heights and widths of the boxes without having them overflow? Do I need to use % or pixel based widths here? Is there somehow I can apply Auto Height to fix something? I am lost for answers here.


I can not seem to get the floating - Condition, Cosmetic Scale, Functionality, and Contract boxes - to line up properly in explorer. I am sure there is a simple fix to this, but how do I automatically adjust to the heights and widths of the boxes without having them overflow? Do I need to use % or pixel based widths here? Is there somehow I can apply Auto Height to fix something? I am lost for answers here.


May i know which version of IE are you using? I think old one shouldn't be used for website display testing.