Need advice in upgrading old plain website, to mobile platform friendly one.

Started by Levan, August 13, 2018, 03:45:10 PM


Dear web masters, i built website in 2006 , it was not easy, and recently found that google ranking went down, as it is too plain and mobile platforms does not read it optimally.
So now i need to upgrade it to mobile platforms and i know that it is too high jump for my knowledge and skills.
Here came the idea that maybe moving completely to word press, buying 35 $ theme will solve for me that problem.
But i think i will say goodby to old links to my photos, that are still in good shape in google photo search ranking.
Also i have no extra money to spent on 3d party services. I don't know what to do.
Maybe some good advice of you, will bring me on the correct path.